

material for studying algebra can be found here


Materials on analysis as one knows it with a focus on prooves can be found here: analysis

complex analysis

A summary and the link to the courses webpage can be found here.

fundamental structures of mathematics

In this course we received a great overview over quite some mathematical disciplines and fundamental ideas, such as first-order logic, ZF(C), ordinals, cardinals and Kuratowski-Zorn, as well as a bit of graph theory, group theory, an introduction to number theory with a focus on modules and chain breaks and finally potency series. You can find more information and materials here: fundamental structures of mathematics

linear algebra

I am a teaching assistent in linear algebra at the time and regularly publishing materials here: linear algebra

number theory

some notes on important theorems and their proof ideas taken from Andrej Dujella's book "Number Theory" can be found here.

theoretical informatics

A link to the course's webpage and an overview of important definitions and theorems can be found here.